Ashley Belding


Ashley Belding (1986-2019)

Ashley was born Ashley Hennig, an only child from Ontario. Raised by her grandparents in the small town of Lakefield, Ashley grew up with a strong sense of wisdom and maturity.  Traveling with her grandparents while away on work, Ashley got to see unique parts of the world at a young age. At age 20, she moved to Vancouver to experience the city life.

Ashley had this light around her. She instantly made you feel comfortable. She was witty and smart. She had an outspoken honesty that always came from a place of compassion. Her light was contagious. I learned so much from her. And I continue to.
— Tom (Husband)

While working as a barista in Vancouver, she met her future husband Tom. After a few years, Ashley decided it was time to get back into school and study Early Childhood Education. Becoming a teacher to young children was a rewarding and inspiring time in her life. 

Being able to be a part of children’s lives and watch them learn, grow, and play gives me such a thrill and makes me so proud.
— Ashley (on becoming a teacher)

Ashley’s role as a teacher ultimately led her to want to help more. She turned her passion towards the medical field.

In 2012, Ashley and Tom got engaged on New Year’s Eve while visiting her grandparents in Lakefield. 

Ashley’s humour was unmatched. She had this amazing ability to be mischievous yet caring with it. She would crack a joke with this sly smile that was always followed by her incredibly joyous laugh. The spark in her eyes showing how much fun she was having. She was absolutely one of a kind; we were so lucky to have her.
— Darcy (friend)

While studying for her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Ashley left her practicum after experiencing a pain in her chest. The source would later be discovered as a rare form of Thymic Carcinoma. At age 27, Ashley was given less than a 50/50 chance at survival. She quickly received several rounds of heavy chemotherapy and radiation before undergoing a massive surgery.

Ashley’s journey through cancer was also supported and guided by the amazing friends & professionals at Callanish.


In 2014, Ashley and Tom married outside of Lakefield, Ontario. With a year and a half free of cancer, Ashley was on her way to finishing her degree as a nurse. 

I met Ashley because we both had cancer. She was an incredibly kind and present friend, always checking in with me even when she herself was struggling.
She told wicked funny cancer jokes and gave sage medical advice to many young adults with cancer. She was a fierce advocate and a deeply connected and caring friend.
— Chelsey (friend)

Before completing the program, Ashley was re-diagnosed, this time her cancer was aggressively showing up in several places.  Determined to complete her degree, Ashley balanced her treatments and several surgeries while maintaining her place on the honour role. In 2016, she graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She promptly received a job as a Registered Nurse at Vancouver General Hospital, helping patients with leukemia.

Though her personal medical team regularly reminded her of her incredibly serious diagnosis, Ashley refused to give up. Her dream of finishing her education and becoming a nurse anchored her, and she would go on to work with and advocate for hundreds of patients. She made her mark on the medical field while living with metastatic cancer.

Ashley embodied warmth and love. She was fiercely loyal and dedicated to her family, friends, and profession. She had this incredible ability to make everyone around her feel like the most important person in the world. She dreamed big, she laughed big, and she loved big. Ashley’s zest for life made her such a joy to be around. We had some seriously good times. My life has been forever enriched by her.
— Maureen (sister-in-law and friend)

Despite knowing her time was limited with a life-threatening illness, Ashley’s journey to becoming a nurse and helping others remained a focal point of her life. Her cancer diagnosis was not going to define who she was. Instead, she was Ashley The Nurse — a huge source of pride.  


Ashley passed away in April of 2019. Her spark and compassion towards others remained true until the very end.
