A hope for the future.



To inspire those who are living with cancer who want to continue and/or restart their education by focusing on the future.

The fund will be used to generate a gift for one individual living with cancer who is currently enrolled or enrolling in a full-time post-secondary education program. 

The 2023 education fund will be for the amount of $2000 towards a post-secondary education program.



Teacher | Nurse | Loving Wife

Ashley graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education in 2010.  After being diagnosed with a rare form of Thymic Carcinoma in 2013, Ashley decided she wanted to help people in another way. This led her to begin an education in Nursing.

Balancing treatments, new diagnoses, and numerous surgeries, Ashley graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). She promptly received a job as a Registered Nurse at Vancouver General Hospital, helping patients with leukemia.

Despite knowing her time was limited with a life-threatening illness, Ashley’s journey to becoming a nurse and helping others remained a focal point of her life. Her cancer diagnosis was not going to define who she was. Instead, she was Ashley The Nurse — a huge source of pride.  

Though her personal medical team regularly reminded her of her incredibly serious diagnosis, Ashley refused to give up. Her dream of finishing her education and becoming a nurse anchored her, and she would go on to work with and advocate for hundreds of patients. She made her mark on the medical field while living with metastatic cancer.

Ashley passed away in April of 2019. Her vibrant spirit and relentless desire to help others perseveres with this fund. It is our hope that this gift to a student living with cancer will give even one person the will to keep looking forward.

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Her cancer diagnosis was not going to define who she was.


How to Donate

You can donate via PayPal, GoFundMe, e-transfer to ashleybeldingfund@gmail.com, or via cheque (please email ashleybeldingfund@gmail.com for mailing info).  

This is a personal fundraiser organized by her family and friends, as such, all of the money collected from these donations goes towards this scholarship fund. No tax receipts will be issued. 

How to Apply

One-time gift amount to be awarded each year to a new applicant: Up to $2000 CAD.

Application requirements:

 -Canadian Citizen

-Proof of enrolment in a post-secondary education program (current and/or upcoming)

-Cancer diagnosis from a health professional

-Completed application form
